Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Getting Focused Again

So here's my question to the Universe tonight....

Have you ever....
  • Told yourself that you're "starting" your diet on a Monday....or after the Holidays....or after a Vacation...or after "something"? 
  • Started a new routine only to be disappointed that you weren't able to keep up with that routine?

I have!! Especially when it comes to losing weight. It's been my battle for a very long time. I think I've failed so many times that I'm actually afraid that I'll succeed. And the truth of the matter is - I hate feeling that way. 

So four weeks ago I turned a new leaf. Set a goal to get healthy.  I rocked it for two weeks and then a few things in my routine got a little crazy, a little hectic. And BOOM! I fell off the wagon.

See, this is the thing that really sucks about losing weight. It's completely a life style change. It's learning how to make good decisions every day. AND, this is what I think is probably most important...

Learning how to make good decisions even if you've made poor food choices at some point in the day. As I've been thinking about my "no progress" for the last few weeks I see an interesting pattern. Does this happen to you, or is it just me?  Here's what happens to me.

I don't start my day out eating the right foods. So at lunch, instead of reaching for the food I know will fuel my body and be healthy, I think to myself.."What the heck. I already had pancakes for breakfast...won't hurt if I just quickly make a sandwich...."   See, the problem with this is that if I don't follow the plan for one meal that doesn't mean the rest of the day is shot.

I'm learning that I need to train my brain to go the other way. If I don't eat the right foods for breakfast, all the more reason to eat the right foods for lunch. See, I've been going in the opposite direction. And where does that take me? 

No where.

I'm not up or down this week. I'm just where I was two weeks ago, and what really stinks about it is that I could be two weeks closer to my healthier me.

Talk to me. What do you do in your routines to "train your brain" to continually make good food choices? I'd love your input!

Here's to the next two weeks...fully committed to training my brain to choose the right foods that will make me healthy. Who's going to join me? :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day......

Valentines Chocolates:  Are they worth the calories?

A few days before Valentines Day I got to thinking about what limits I needed to set for myself so I didn't overdo it on the food and sweets. You see, one thing I'm learning about my fat loss battle is that I have to think ahead - and be prepared with a healthier alternative.

My "old" way of eating was practically eat whatever I wanted, without restraint. But now, I have to be selective and make better choices; that's really what it comes down to. So in my best effort to plan ahead, here were my goals to get through Valentines Day:

1. Not eat any chocolate

2. Stick to the approved Slenderiix foods

Well, I didn't come out 100% on target, but here's what I really learned now that the holiday is over and I stepped on the scale today and didn't lose any weight:

I would have been scotch free on not eating any chocolate, except for the fact that Thomas had a box of chocolates and I snuck two chocoalte truffles. The problem with this is that really, the truffles weren't THAT great. They weren't even good. Now, if it had been my Grandma Lois' chocoaltes that would have been another story - her choclates are amazing and worth every calorie! But, what I did was eat two chocolates that weren't even good.

See, I wasted calories on something that didn't even taste all that great. When you're counting calories you quickly learn to make sure every calorie you consume is good - and enjoy every bite! But see, I wasted those calories on some stupid choclates.

Take Away - Remember to be selective and don't waste calories on something that doesn't even taste good.

On the Bright Side - I fixed a home made dinner for my boys, rather than eating out, so that I could control what food we were eating and how it was prepared. As you know, pasta is one of my weaknesses, and it's also what I fixed for the boys. Delicious Chicken & Gorgonzola Ravioli with Alfredo.

We had two dinner plates - one plate for the chicken and marinara with vegetables and a second plate with the pasta. I served the chicken and vegetables first...and added a green salad and grilled asparagus to my plate. Then, I only served the boys the pasta.

It was with great restraint - I wanted some of that pasta! But, because I planned ahead and thought through my  menu and how I would serve the food, our Valentines Dinner was a success!